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Install, configure and run SVN server on Linux

This note is about how to install, configure and run SVN (Subversion) server on Linux. In my case, it’s Debian.

The requirements:

  • Use svnserve, so access repositories via svn:// protocol.
  • Install, configure and run SVN server as fast as possible.

Install SVN (Subversion) server

    sudo apt-get install subversion

Create the folder for repositories

In this example repositories are located in /var/spool/svn/, you may choose the another folder.

    sudo mkdir /var/spool/svn

Create the first repository

In the code below, the new repository is created in the test folder.

    sudo svnadmin create /var/spool/svn/test

Configure access

Find /var/spool/svn/test/conf/svnserve.conf and check that password-db, anon-access and auth-access are uncommented and have the following values:

    password-db = passwd
    anon-access = none
    auth-access = write

Set users passwords in repository’s passwd file:

    user1 = passwordforuser1
    user2 = passwordforuser2
    user3 = passwordforuser3

Start SVN server with help of svnserve

    svnserve -d -r /var/spool/svn

Possible problems:

1. If you cannot checkout and get the error, use the correct path.

    user@server:~$ svn co svn://server.url/var/spool/svn/test ~/test

svn: No repository found in ‘svn://server.url/var/spool/svn/test’

Incorrect repository path. It should be:

    user@server:~$ svn co svn://server.url/test ~/test

2. If you get an access error check the repository access configuration.

    user@server:~$ svn co svn://server.url/test ~/test --username user1 --password 123456

svn: No access allowed to this repository

No access to this repository. Check that password-db is uncommented in svnserve.conf and auth-access has the value of write:

    password-db = passwd
    auth-access = write

Also check that you have the user password configuration in passwd file of the repository.

Remote backup and restore SVN repository


    sudo svnrdump http://some.url/some-repository > backup.dump


    sudo svnadmin load repository_name < ~/backup.dump

Useful links


Setting Up an Ubuntu Subversion Server